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Track OFF
Reclaim Your Internet Privacy
 30 Days Money Back Guarantee     Response Within 24 Hours     Free Lifetime Updates
Track OF | 40% OFFF
Compatible With:
Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 or 10
$19 .99
Core TrackOFF protection
use on up to 3 computers
$29 .99
Core TrackOFF protection
VPN encrypted browsing
use on up to 3 computers
Anonymous browsing with one-click ELITE PLAN ONLY
Encryption is complicated, but with TrackOFF you can enable anonymous encrypted browsing for tasks like online banking.
Encrypted Browsing
Installed Browsers & Extensions
Mask your location
Your computer’s "IP Address" helps hackers find your exact location. TrackOFF’s VPN encrypted browsing stops them. What is a VPN and why do you need it? A VPN or Virtual Private Network is a method used to add security and privacy to private and public networks, like WiFi Hotspots and the Internet.
Shield your Internet browsing history from prying eyes
Hard-to-remove tracking cookies tell the story of who you are and where you’ve been. TrackOFF blasts them away in seconds.
Clear Your Tracks & Stop Targeted Ads
See who’s trying to track you and stop them
Ever wonder who’s watching you online? TrackOFF shows each website trying to follow you.
Identity theft protection
Identity theft protection Your computer has unique fingerprints used to identify & track you. TrackOFF works like a glove that protects them.
Tracking Activity
Private Search
Private search
Your search queries are monitored and shared on normal search engines. TrackOFF's private search lets you perform searches without anyone watching.
TrackOFF Basic
Lightning PDF  TrackOFF Elite
$19 .99
Core TrackOFF protection
use on up to 3 computers
$29 .99
Core TrackOFF protection
VPN encrypted browsing
use on up to 3 computers